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SSE Wildcats Football Festival tomorrow!

SSE Wildcats Football Festival tomorrow!

David Kwiatek22 Feb 2019 - 15:46
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It’s the SSE Wildcats Football Festival tomorrow!

The SSE Wildcats Football Festival is on at the Racecourse tomorrow, and a small group of the girls from the Pride Park SSE Wildcats Centre will be going!

The event will start at 1pm - please arrive for 12.45 to sign in - and it will finish at 3pm. All children will be signed in and signed out of the event at the Main Reception of the Racecourse. Please ensure the girls bring a drink.

The Racecourse Playing Fields, Steve Bloomer 3G Pitch
St Mark's Road
DE21 6AL

Arrival 12:45
Finish 15:00

For many of the girls, including those from Pride Park’s SSE Wildcats Centre, this will be their first experience of playing football against girls from other Wildcats Centres in Derbyshire. The girls will be put into groups depending on their ages and will be involved in fun activities before having the opportunity to play some football matches. We anticipate approx. 50 girls taking part in total.

The aim of the event is to support the girls and give them an opportunity to experience a Football Festival, as we hope they may look to enter the Derbyshire Girls & Ladies League with Pride Park in future seasons. The Wildcats Event is being delivered in partnership between Derbyshire County FA (DCFA) and the Derbyshire Girls & Ladies League.

To keep up with the latest news from Pride Park FC follow us on Facebook, Twitter @PridePark_FC or join our website -> join this club (there’s a page for Wildcats news etc)

Further reading