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David Kwiatek30 Jun - 14:30
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The Women’s 1st team marked the end of a successful and enjoyable season at a social evening in the Loft at The Orange Tree in Derby on Fridy night.

It was great to see so many of the people associated with our Ladies team attend the annual end of season event - held once again at The Orange Tree - to celebrate a successful and enjoyable season.

We were particularly pleased to welcome the family and friends who brave all weathers to support us, or who hold the fort so we can play, and the volunteers who also make it possible.

A delicious hot finger buffet was generously provided courtesy of Topmark Joinery and The Spice Lounge, which added an extra dimension to the occasion.

The presentations got underway with thank-you gifts given to the volunteers who help out on the touchline or behind the scenes and team captain Tash Allderidge presented the team’s coaches with gifts from the players.

There was an injection of humour with a few tongue-in-cheek awards in the form of “the wooden spoons”, arranged by Hannah Roberts and Tash Allderidge, before the primary awards were announced and presented:

Top Scorer - Beth Jones

Goal of the Season - Sophie Ayton

Coaches’ Award - Ellie-Mae Coleman

Team Player of the Year - Hannah Roberts

Players’ Player of the Year - Ellie-Mae Coleman

Above all, it was a relaxing evening spent in good company and another fantastic night enjoyed by everyone at a terrific venue!

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