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David Kwiatek9 Aug 2022 - 11:45
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With a new season on its way make sure you are ready, and able, to pull your boots on!

The new season starts on the weekend of 10/11 September, but before players can pull their boots on for the first League games of the season, there’s several tasks you must complete first.

Registration of existing players to play in the League is well underway, with only a handful still to re-register. If you haven’t already re-registered, you should do so as soon as possible - or you may miss out!

Club membership renewals are also now due. Membership applications and renewals are completed online. Players (or, in the case of Juniors, a parent) will have received an email prompt to update their information in our website and, through this, to complete an online membership form for the 2022/23 season, including all associated consents and signing up to the Club’s rules and Codes of Conduct.

Please ensure your existing information, including address, emergency contacts, school attended (in the case of junior players) etc., is up to date, and complete the additional information required. Parents of junior players complete the form on behalf of the player.

Why is this necessary/important?
By completing the membership form you are confirming your up to date contact and other information, some of which is required to register you to play in a League, as well as confirming your acceptance of the club’s rules and codes of conduct. Without this, you may not be permitted to play or train.

Additionally, by completing the online form, in the unfortunate event of injury and a claim needing to be made against the club’s insurance, we will be able to demonstrate to the insurer that you are a club member and, therefore, covered by the insurance policy.

If you haven’t received the email, and it isn’t in your junk folder, check the settings on your Pitchero account - see here for how to do this:

There's an old saying that "the job isn't finished until the paperwork is done". In this case, the job starts with the paperwork - or the online membership forms, registrations, consents for the club and for respective Leagues - so don't put it off, complete those outstanding tasks today - otherwise you may find yourself watching from the touchline!

Should you encounter any difficulties with your League registration, membership renewal, or updating your information, please speak to your team manager or e-mail

Further reading