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Doug Outt19 Mar 2023 - 17:31
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A roundup of the mini-soccer action for our teams yesterday

U9 Jaguars v Chellaston Tigers
Illnesses left Jaguars depleted with only 6 fit players for yesterday’s game, but sportingly
Chellaston agreed to match up and also play with 6 to keep it even - although this meant them having another 6 players „on the bench”.

The game started out very evenly with the ever dependent Alicia in goal keeping shots at bay but as the half wore on Chellaston got into their rhythm ... but following a host of changes from Chellaston and alot of Pride Park pressure lead to a great effort by Rose.

Meanwhile Esther and Kara kept strong at the back blocking shots and playing forward balls upto Amber, Rose and Lucy, the girls then played a bit of „pinball wizard” as Pride Park’s front three each had a shot in succession hitting the post, the crossbar and the keeper .... goodness knows how the ball didn't hit the back of the net! The pressure from Jaguars culminated in a lovely piece of link up play between the girls resulting in a great strike by Lucy.

Chellaston rang the changes atvhald time to ensure they gave all their squad playing time and the fresh energy told in the second half as our ‚super six’ understandably tired as the game wore on. We had a reshuffle with Kara going in attack and Amber going in goal - her first job was to face a penalty - which she saved! This energised and inspired the Girls, as Kara stormed straight up the pitch with a brilliant run! Aliica was also showing she is just as strong outfield as she is in goal, making strong challenges.
Rose had another tremendous strike but Esther was named POTM for her great defensive work.
The girls performed brilliantly and ran their socks off without taking a breather so they could walk off the pitch with their heads held high !!

U10 Lionesses v Gresley Rovers
An amazing match to watch; the girls should be so proud - they were strong and confident from the start, showing a formidable and united front.

The defence worked hard when we didn’t have possession and in goal Frankie’s positioning was excellent. There was some great attacking and build up play, passing often and using the skills they have been learning - it was great to see it all coming together.

Zoe did fantastic with shot after shot on goal. Molly had a fantastic chipped shot and Ruby, Edie, Emelia and Isabella all had shots at goal too. All the girls played the best I've seen in ages.

„The girls put into practice what we've been working on in training and it really showed. The looking then passing was great, the drive and a want to win was also fantastic. We could name and praise any of our players today, they all excelled - lovely football.”
Gary, Chris and Mark

Further reading